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$40 a game - Is being an NFL cheerleader worth it?

CHARLOTTE, N.C. - Forty bucks a game.
So that's about what a pro football cheerleader is paid around here.
Is it worth it?

For about $40 a game, you spend hours working out every day, practicing cheers and jumps and dance moves and the precise hair flips, hip wiggles and shoulder shimmies that will get you noticed on the sideline.

You eat rice cakes and carrot sticks and salads with non-fat dressing on the side so the guys in the stands will appreciate your figure.

On game day, you stand in front of the mirror in the dressing room beneath the stadium and curl your hair or straighten your hair and fret over the proper shades of lipstick and glitter eye shadow.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. - Forty bucks a game.

For that, you get to bounce through the tunnel and onto the field where your Spandex sparkles in the sun and you dance and yell and shake your pompons in front of thousands of people who have come out on a beautiful Sunday afternoon to watch a football game - but you know they're really there to watch you.

You get to be on the sideline, close enough to dream about what it might be like to be the wife of one of those wealthy pro football megastars, or married to one of those rich bankers with binoculars in the luxury suites.

You get noticed in ways other women don't. That's the point.
The exposure is intoxicating.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. - Forty bucks a game.

You serve at the pleasure of the franchise, donating your time to be ambassadors at community and corporate events, not worrying about the feeling of phony intimacy. People feel as if they know you, which means they'll judge your character and your morals when you make a mistake.
You're expected to be role models for the little girls who come to the games to perform en masse at halftime - and eye candy for their daddies in the stands.

You've gone to college and you're plenty smart, maybe an engineer or a teacher or a business owner or financial analyst, but your intelligence isn't the point.

You're not expected to solve the world's problems. You're expected to entice.

You give the fans something blatantly sexual to watch while they worship their heroes on the field. You're the perfect pretty young face of an organization, and your every move is scrutinized.

Make a mistake and you're fired.
The exposure cuts both ways.
CHARLOTTE, N.C. - Forty bucks a game.
Is it worth it?
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