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NFL misses the mark on replays

If we are to believe the NFL version of Shockey-Toomer (the touchdowns, not the medical procedure), the phone conversation with Seahawks coach Mike Holmgren must have gone something like this:

NFL office: Reviewing the film of Sunday's game, Mike, discloses that, um, a couple of mistakes were made.

Holmgren: You mean the bad calls on both the TD catches by the Giants?
NFL: Mistakes were made.

Holmgren: I know that. What does that mean?

NFL: It means what it means.

Holmgren: "Mistakes were made" was what Reagan said about Iran-contra.

NFL: He was a fine president.

Holmgren: I know that. Who made what mistakes?

NFL: We've told you what you need to know. Should you be caught or killed, the commissioner will disavow any knowledge (click).

Contrary to past policy, the NFL seems to be going the full Pentagon when it comes to transparency.

Holmgren had a conversation Monday with Mike Pereira, the league's head of officials, who indicated that, despite lengthy reviews during the game, officials erred in not smiting the scoring receptions of the Giants' Jeremy Shockey and Amani Toomer.

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